teamsomerset  | from the President's Desk

6/15/2024 - Quick Update On Summer Items for the Team

Good morning all and Happy Father's Day weekend. Lots going on in the Somerset world, so just want to shoot out a message to the team with a few updates. Quite the busy week with TT Cup, races, and Farmlands last weekend. Also, I was the Somerset representative at the Best Buddies event Wednesday night which was simply amazing up in Sloatsburg and Harriman State Park. So all are looped in, here is a run through of happenings:

Team Elections
We have a charter that includes elections in our by-laws. However, due to a general lull in overall interest in board positions and individuals to tap into, we've tabled these for quite some time. Now that we have quite a few new members and broad interest in activities, events, involvement, etc., we will have a full election. Since that process includes a nomination, plus people stepping forward with interest, I am going to work with Larry Dudek and putting this out on email and Facebook, and we may even have up on our web page. Timing is going to be in August after Long Valley TT and our events end and as we prep planning, sponsors and other items for 2025. Lots to do for 2025 landscape and ideas. It will be for President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary/Membership. Additionally, we'll add some project/committee heads to do things such as Social Media and Sponsorship, as well as rides/training. For many years, current board has kept our fire burning and this team at the top, viable, etc, so want to put our personal thanks for that. Could not have been done without dedicated board and team members. More to follow!!

Team Rides/BBQ
Dan Dalfonso has been communicating and adding our ride schedule, along with Rick Danielson. We are also now connecting it to the web with Bob Perlee. We are having a suite of those from Duke Island tomorrow at 9AM. See his email, FB posting, etc. Also, it our plan after one of the Sunday rides (probably in July/August time frame) to utilize space at Duke Island to do a post ride BBQ. More details also on that. It's a central point to do that, adequate space and also family and others can come, pets, etc! We now have a larger team community so getting back to together is important socially. [RIDES]

Long Valley TT
Our last event for this season sponsored on July 20 in Long Valley. If you are able to be of support that day, and haven't let me know as yet, would appreciate the extra hands as always. We don't need the contingent at some of our circuits. However, do need people for safety spots on crossroads, start, turnaround etc. This event wills start at 7:30 as FYI from Long Valley Middle School.

Clothing Stores
Dan is also managing a Casual clothing order and he will communicate on that for great clothes to wear pre and post race, or anytime within the lifestyle options. Order closes June 23.
Robert is managing our regular clothing order for race items etc. Of note, we added regular and tall shoe covers and Pactimo is finalizing the image. That order is slated to close June 17. If we need an extra day or 2 for all to get orders in, can do that. High demand!

We have lots of results that Bob has been posting and you have seen pictures. We actually had 17 participate in the Watts Up TT, so the competitive spirit is clearly back to being fully cemented into Somerset culture. To follow this summer will be lots of group training options, end of TT cup, crits, track and road races on NJ calendar and region, and then on to Cyclocross. Many are also doing other events, Fondos, centuries, NYS TT up by Lake Placid, etc. [RESULTS]

There is certainly more to share, but enough for now to keep everyone updated and a taste of things to come. Hope all enjoy this beautiful weekend, Father's Day and will see you tomorrow or certainly in the near future. Want to welcome all the new members, their ideas, contributions and also, those of course from our full membership.

Push hard and Pedal Fast!!

5/11/2024 - Lew Saling Memorial TT - In Usual Somerset Style

The weather gods and Lew Saling watched over us today as we held both the first annual Lew Saling TT and 18th year of the Somerset Circuit TT. Couldn't have been more opposite than yesterday's weather. An all around stellar event and thanks so much all for the hard work. Including here, amongst the thank yous, Live Results from the race. We will be making them prettier on our website shortly. This team never ceases to rise to challenges and we had to, again, flex, with a slight change in our course to satisfy the town/county requirements. All in all, it went extremely well.

In addition to honoring Lew, having words from his family, pictures, etc and celebrating, so many thanks are due. And they are as follows:

  • Joe and Dottie Saling - my sounding board, sanity check, course set-up/take down, Joe as starter/Dottie as one of the QBs at the registration area, payer of bills, etc.
  • My wife Fran - also my sanity check and being supportive on the various changes to the event, and also the other QB at registration, questions, helping to bring items to race, and also the assistant with prizes.
  • Rod Murray - course set up
  • Start area - Erich Neise as holder, Ken Drake and Manny A. getting riders to where they need to be on the line whipping
  • Finish area - Steve Horgan (Lew's son-in law) helping with final callouts, #s etc.
  • And of course our corner marshals:
    • Ray McHendry - handling first right turn as a rookie solo due to circumstances today (Lew's other son-in-law)
    • Dan Dalfonso - Hillcrest Park
    • Mike Brent, Robert Kowal - at the new right turn from Hillcrest to Pleasant Run
    • Marty Kott, Jim Ludovici - Cole Rd right and uphill
    • Greg and Maria Schutske, Pat Gellineau - Holland Brook Bridge downhill
    • Paul Tippettt - final left on to Roosevelt

This is a our largest resourced event and we handled it as we always do - organized, teamwork and ensuring safety and a successful event best we can. Hard to believe that 3 of our promotions this year are now complete. One more in July for the Long Valley TT. Everyone should be proud, and sure hope Lew Saling is!!

Thanks again for your support and enjoy rest of the Mother's Day weekend.

4/25/2024 - Lew Saling Memorial/Somerset Circuit TT Support - Saturday, May 11

Good morning all. After 2 very successful team event promotions at Cape May and Allamuchy, we have our last Spring event in Readington on Saturday, May 11. It is also our largest resource need for marshal support. We made a slight course modification, but still need a large contingent. Reaching out to see if you can help that day for a short period in the morning. The current amount of riders we are seeing should have the actual event done by 9:15-9:30 at the latest, so no more than a couple of hours.

If you can help out, please let me know. I believe we have our infrastructure for the race set up at Holland Brook School and the race start, timing, officials etc. My largest need, of course, is to keep our turns and corners clear and safe. Certainly realize we ask a lot early in the season, but do really appreciate everyone's help.

Please let me or Joe know if you are available and I will plan locations accordingly and be back in touch.

Have a good day and hope all are enjoying the nice spring weather.Thanks so much.

4/20/2024 - Back to Back Successes

On the heels of Steve Reed/Cape May TT, it was another stellar team day at Allamuchy. Year 11 of this Time Trial and still running strong, in Warren County courtesy of Bob Peters' design. What started as a rainy/overcast day changed course for bright sun and a nice podium ceremony at Evergreen Park. Stop #2 in this year's Cup Series.

Shout outs all around for both team support and lots of Somerset racers. As always, Dottie and Joe Saling were book ends keeping me on track with all of our preliminary race planning, course set-up, take down and Joe was our starter, rover, etc. Dottie was the manager of the Pavillion team at registration, helped with prizes, finances, questions etc. Our overall course support included:

  • Rod Murray - course set-up
  • Ken Drake - Whip
  • Maria and Greg Schutske- Shades of Death first turn
  • Dan Dalfonzo - turnaround (+ bear sighting)
  • Mike Brent, Herman Storms - Gibbs turn
  • Paul Tippett, Marc Perrault - Longbridge left

Thanks so much for coming together to support a great, safe race. Additionally, special thanks to Bob Perlee (webmaster) for keeping us on track with prelim work, flyers, sponsors, start lists, results etc. Also, Bob and Don Madsen were out there taking pictures of everyone.

And, of course the racing contingent. Special kudos to the podiums for Jennifer Smeddy (a brand new member), Keegan Danielson, Gino Romaniello, and Rick Anderson. Other racers today included Rod Murray, Rick Danielson, Betty Tyrell, Ron Romaniello, Dan Reiss and myself.

Lastly, thanks to Heather Dalfonzo for coming out with a table of great lotions, soaps etc. Was well received. Also, of course our prizes courtesy of our sponsors. Today, mainly being Pactimo, Rudy, and a myriad of tires that we've received. Thanks Rick Danielson for those. This is a great venue as the town, county, park and NJ State police work with us well. None of this would be possible without all of your support, so thanks again. We’ll take a collective breath and get ready for our Lew Saling Memorial TT on May 11. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Live Results were posted, along with podium results. A prettier version later from Bob Perlee putting this race in the books. I'll get that out to the riders also. Great promotion from Team Somerset!

4/5/2024 - Team Somerset Bonus Program!

February/March is the beginning of the monthly bonus program. To be eligible you must be a member and meet the eligibility requirements. Please complete the bonus form and include your address and telephone number. (I want to set up direct payment from the bank an this information is necessary). All the information is on our website. Forms
Contact me if you have any questions (908-625-2553).
Enjoy the racing season.

3/9/2024 - Team Somerset's Spring Kick Off and a New Season - 5 weeks to TT racing

Good evening all. As rainy March has arrived in NJ, we have jump started work on our season. It's a quite exciting time at Somerset with, for the first time in many years, in influx of new riders, including some juniors. I am very excited and want to personally give a shout out to Rick Danielson and Dan Dalfonso, and families of course, for helping our team reignite and re-energize. As well as helping us continue to take advantage of our Facebook, Strava, Zwift and Instagram platforms. There's a lot on the plate this year and a myriad of training options across the NJ spectrum. Wherever that might be, Team Somerset will be well represented including tents at the Tour of Somerville, TT racing, track, criteriums and Cyclocross in the Fall. While we do organize our own focused training, there are so many options in this area for training that we also partner with Marty's, Hilltop, Pharma, TMB, MAFW, and Hunterdon Velo to ensure that all get their rides and training in. It is one community and we all want people riding bikes, training, and participating.

Our events this year are as follows and I wanted to put out a preliminary feeler for volunteers, particularly for Allamuchy on April 20:

  • Sunday, April 14 - Steve Reed Memorial (Cape May) - please contact Joe of you are available and down that way.
  • Saturday, April 20 - Allamuchy TT, our usual support is needed at registration, the start, marshal corners etc.
  • Saturday, May 11 - Lew Saling Memorial (Somerset Circuit TT)
  • Sunday, July 21 - Long Valley TT

If you are available to help at Allamuchy, please let me know. I will reach out on Somerset later this month, but we have the 3 spring races so want to handle in stride and and in order. Also, thanks so much to the sponsors such as Saunders and others who have started to help us with race prizes, donations, and support for the season. Look forward to 2024 and hope all enjoy the rest of their weekend.

1/26/2024 - Into the New Year and Team/Event Planning

And just like that, January is almost in the books. Apologies on not sending out a usual holiday or year end message. Was a wonderful holiday, and, for me, has just been a business period at work and spending time with family, training, etc. All good things!! I have also engaged time to set up the NJ TT Cup Series this year, event schedule, and also the sponsorship and jerseys through Pactimo. Glad we were able to secure that for the Cup. We have also scheduled our races with NJBA and it was our recommendation that was used for the location of the NJBA Banquet at Flemington Chimney Rock Inn.

We do have our team event promotion dates pretty well set and they were discussed at last weekend's NJBA meeting. Events are:

  • Steve Reed TT at Cape May - April 7
  • Allamuchy TT - April 20
  • Lew Saling Memorial TT at Somerset Circuit - May 11
  • Long Valley or Flanders TT - July 20 or 21 (not finalized but leaning toward doing the Long Valley Course on Sunday, July 21)

As usual, when things get closer, we will align our volunteers, sponsors, etc. Your help and support are always appreciated. More to follow on these. The balance of the NJ race schedule is at the NJ Bike Racing site. More on the schedule this year than in past, but still a work in process.

Another item to share that Tom Mains has posted on Facebook is the NJBA Banquet is a luncheon at Chimney Rock in Flemington. It is 2-5pm on Saturday, February 10. Thus far, we have at least 6 going from Somerset, but I will get some tables reserved as needed. There is clearly still quite a bit of room, but, if interested, suggest registering earlier since there is ultimately a limit on size. It is $15 as NJBA is subsidizing most. Covering awards for 2021-2023 for Cups in play - mostly TT and CX. Make your Reservations via BikeReg.

Lastly, Larry Dudek helped us set up our team membership renewal on Bike Reg. We are back to our structure for costs from a couple years back after a year of free membership. Please renew your membership and certainly encourage others as needed. If any questions, let us know Looking forward to seeing you at the banquet, on a ride, and, of course at our events. Logistics and the overall schedule have kept us away from a team gathering, but we'll always look for opportunities for that in the future.

Membership: Join or Renew for 2024 via BikeReg
Please PRINT and fill-in and sign the Event Waiver and Release PDF Insurance Form
Please PRINT and mail the Membership Applicatopm PDF via USPS Membership Form - bypassing BikeReg

Clothing: Order your kit for 2024, Start Here

Hope all have a wonderful 2024. Push hard and Pedal Fast!!

2023 messages